Contractor HSE Management


For many organsations with exposure to major accident hazards, the contracted workforce is often at the sharp end of operations and therefore the most vulnerable to risk. This means that the selection of contracted services and the control of their activities is critical to safe operations. The integration of contracted services into high HSE risk operations is a key aspect of our service support portfolio. We apply the full spectrum of risk management services to the contract management lifecycle: from contract risk assessment and contractor selection to contract close-out/lessons learned.

Detailed Offering

Major organisations today cannot survive without the support of external contracted services. The contracted workforce has a significant impact on the risk profile of any organisation, so it is imperative that we understand the risks introduced by contracted operations, as well as the value and benefits.

In some organisations, up to 90% of recorded injuries involve the contracted workforce. We can all think of high profile disasters where contractor management has contributed significantly to incident causation; think back to Macondo, Texas City, Challenger Space Shuttle.......

So where does contract HSE management begin? Quite simply it begins as soon as the decision is made to introduce contracted services and it ends when HSE lessons from the complete contract lifecycle have been learned, shared and applied in future contracts.

Risk Dimensions has helped numerous clients with contractor HSE management challenges by providing support in the following areas:

  • Initial risk screening/contract categorization
  • Contract risk assessment
  • Bid evaluation and contractor selection
  • Contractor Management Plans
  • Contractor performance management
  • Contract close-out and lessons learned
  • One-on-one coaching for Contract Owners
  • Contractor induction and orientation

As recently as 2015, Risk Dimensions supported a major North Sea operator with a complete review of the contractor HSE management strategy. This involved the development of new Contract Management procedures and tools, coaching managers/Contract Owners, leading workshops and supporting leadership in the rollout of the new strategy.