HSE Support for Leadership


Excellence in business management covers a whole realm of capabilities, knowledge, competence and experience. Many business leaders perform positively in their own disciplines and areas of expertise, but need help when it comes to HSE performance. We are experienced when it comes to providing this help. Help comes in the form of coaching, mentoring, and management-focused handbooks for process safety and asset integrity management.

Detailed Offering

Business executives, managers and leaders all need to demonstrate a wealth of business acumen and capabilities in financial management, strategizing, planning, leading and communication….the list is almost endless. Somewhere at the top of the list there has to be safety leadership. We have all heard the phrase “safety is good business”….and the reality is that it is absolutely true. In so many working environments, safety is fundamental to a license to operate. Leaders are expected to commit to safety, understand risk, and fully engage in all aspects of HSE risk management. Risk Dimensions has the competencies, skills, tools and experience to assist leaders in their HSE responsibilities and commitments.

With regard to HSE support for leaders, our tools and services include:

  • HSE coaching and mentoring
  • Focused process safety/asset integrity handbooks for workforce engagement and management walkabouts
  • Risk Registers
  • HSE Training
  • Accountability Reviews