
Risk Dimensions provide a range of services. To find out more select a one of our services below.

HSE Management Systems

Developing, implementing, updating, and maintaining your HSE Management systems is a constant headache for many organisations. We can help...we have worked with many clients to ensure that their HSE Management Systems are effective, usable, value-adding, and compliant with international standards and local regulations.

Process Safety/Asset Integrity

As assets and facilities age, the need for excellence in Process Safety/Asset Integrity (PS/AI) becomes more and more critical. Focused management systems, integrity processes and activities, training, coaching and awareness are key fundamentals in successfully managing PS/AI risk. Risk Dimensions has worked with many organisations to identify PS/AI needs in addition to developing and implementing solutions.

HSE Culture and Assessment

Our behaviours and attitudes at work reflect, create, enforce, enhance, and sustain our safety culture. Does your organisation understand how this works? What the potential consequences may be? What needs to change? We have sound experience in the area of safety culture assessment and would be delighted to share this with you.

Personal Accountability

In Risk Dimensions we understand that it is reasonable to hold employees (at all levels and locations) accountable for their acts, omissions, decisions, behaviours, and communications. With the assistance of our clients we have developed accountability procedures, models, guidelines and case studies, which we have applied to safety incidents and near misses.

HSE Support for Leadership

Excellence in business management covers a whole realm of capabilities, knowledge, competence and experience. Many business leaders perform positively in their own disciplines and areas of expertise, but need help when it comes to HSE performance. We are experienced when it comes to providing this help. Help comes in the form of coaching, mentoring, and management-focused handbooks for process safety and asset integrity management.

HSE Training

Tired of ‘chalk and talk’, PowerPoint, endless flipcharts and whiteboards, bar charts, old videos, old ideas, repeats, repeats and repeats? Do you want training to be innovative, imaginative, engaging and fun? Yes? Contract us... next time it will be different!

Contractor HSE Management

For many organsations with exposure to major accident hazards, the contracted workforce is often at the sharp end of operations and therefore the most vulnerable to risk. This means that the selection of contracted services and the control of their activities is critical to safe operations.

HSE Risk Management Tools

Nobody knows it all when it comes to HSE and risk awareness…we all learn everyday with every new experience. The Risk Dimensions team has decades of experience in managing HSE risk. Our tools vary in type, structure, methodology and focus, but they are all designed to provide practical support to various risk management challenges.

HSE Management Maturity Assessments

“What gets measured, gets done”…it’s hard to argue with this famous quote, but do we always need an in-depth audit or a series of KPIs? Measuring system maturity is a novel way of assessing HSE performance and benchmarking achievements across organisations and time. Our team has successfully applied system maturity assessments with our clients over many years.

Incident Investigation/Root Cause Analysis

Incidents and accidents are still occurring across all industries, despite many years of exposure to accidents and near misses and the emergence of new technology, enhanced safety cultures, and statutory requirements. Robust incident investigation and root cause analysis (including training) techniques are core to the Risk Dimensions service portfolio.

HSE Communications with a Difference

How was your last HSE Plan communicated? Was it well-received by your team? Did it leave you feeling involved, engaged…like you owned it? Yes? Excellent – carry on! No? We’ve got some ideas we would like to share with you.

Qualitative Risk Assessment

There are many approaches to qualitative risk assessment, including application of Bow-Tie and Swiss Cheese models and Risk Dimensions undoubtedly will use a few of them. At the end of the day, however, all risk assessments are all about providing the basis for a good decision. We can help you with pragmatic and practical approaches.

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